Donating to Immanuel
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Children's Corner If you have young children and they get a bit restless, please feel free to go with them and enjoy the children's corner at the back of church.
Immanuel is an Anglican Church in Highters Heath, South Birmingham. Our name means ‘God is with us’ & we seek to serve & show God's love in our community. We are a friendly Church of around 40 regular worshippers and with good links to the local community. Please explore our pages for details of services and upcoming events.
Heavenly Father, at the Jordan you revealed Jesus as your Son: may we recognise him as our Lord and know ourselves to be your beloved children. Through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
‘Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.’
Robert Louis Stevenson
12th January - Baptism of Christ
Isaiah 43.1-7
Acts 8.14-17
Psalm 29
Luke 3.15-17,21-22
16th February - 3rd Sunday before Lent
Jeremiah 17.5–10
1 Corinthians 15.12–20
Psalm 1
Luke 6.17–26