
Children's Corner
If you have small children and they get a bit restless, please feel free to go with them and enjoy the children's corner at the back of church. 

Messy Pancakes 4th March, 4pm

On Shrove Tuesday, Tuesday 4th March,  church will be open for children’s activities from 4pm to 6pm.

Activities will include decorating pancakes, decorating jars for Lent activities and making pretzel prayers.

As with other Messy Church sessions, there will be a short act of worship followed by some food - pancakes with fruit toppings.

Pattern of Services

8am     Holy Communion

   Usually the 2nd Sunday of the Month.

   A short Said Service

10 am  Holy Communion

 1st, 3rd & 4th Sundays of each month

   All Age Service

  Usually the 2nd Sunday of the Month


   Morning Prayer   

 5th Sunday of each month


Pink Sunday 9th March

This year we are supporting Midland Freewheelers Blood Bikes, a local charity. They deliver a professional 24/7/365 urgent motorcycle service serving NHS facilities throughout the West Midlands and the Midlands Air Ambulance Service.

They are 100% voluntary and 100% committed. Please support us by sharing a glass of rosé wine and a pink

cake (non-alcoholic drinks available) after church on Sunday, and giving generously to this very worthy cause.

  Midweek Services

Coffee and Chat.  Please join us for coffee and cake at Immanuel at 2pm on the third Friday  of each month.  All are welcome, and there’s bound to be lots to talk about, and sometimes a quiz.

Weekly Services

When What Who
Sunday 2nd March 10:00am Holy Communion Bishop Michael Volland
Wednesday 5th March 6pm Imposition of Ashes Revd Sandra Langston
Sunday 9th March 8:00am Holy Communion Revd Sandra Langston
Sunday 9th March 10:00am All Age Worship - Pink Sunday Valerie
Sunday 16th March 10:00am Holy Communion Revd Sandra Langston
Sunday 23rd March 10:00am Holy Communion Revd Jayne Crooks

Weekly online services

The CofE provides a weekly online service. These provide an

interesting insight into worship in churches up and down the

country. They can also be useful when you are unable to attend


Just sign up to the email list on the following link and details will

be sent to you. Weekly online services | The Church of England

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