Immanuel is an Anglican Church in Highters Heath, South Birmingham. Our name means ‘God is with us’ & we seek to serve & show God's love in our community. We are a friendly Church of around 40 regular worshippers and with good links to the local community.
If you need to discuss anything with us, please call us on the telephone number below and leave a message. Revd Sandra will get back to you as soon as possible.
Call us or email to enquire about Weddings, Baptisms, and publishing Banns of Marriage or to arrange Services of Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child.
Alternatively, pop into see Revd Sandra for a chat at Immanuel Church during Local Minister's Hour held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 6:30pm until 7:30 pm
Please note that there will be no Local Minister's Hour during August
Contact us
Tel: 0121 430 7578
or email
Please leave a message for Revd. Sandra Langston. Please be patient as Revd Sandra may not get back to you straight away
Church Hall Enquiries
or call Sue on: 07970 654426 and leave a message