New to Immanuel

What to expect in a Sunday Service at Immanuel

Going into any church for the first time can be a daunting prospect for anyone, whether you are a seasoned churchgoer, or attending church for the very first time. At Immanuel we want you to feel welcomed and relaxed during your visit. The following notes are to help you get acquainted with our Sunday morning services. 

Before the service

It is probably best to arrive about 10 minutes before the start of the service.  When you arrive, you will be greeted by a member of our church who will give you a hymn book, a notice sheet, and an order of service booklet, before directing you to a seat.  Before the service, some people prefer to sit in prayerful silence, and there are prayers given in the service booklet to help you if necessary. It is also an opportunity to read the notice sheet. 

Our Services

The service booklet outlines the order of service including when to stand if you are able,  when to say something (words in bold print), and when there is a hymn.  Hymn numbers are given on the notice sheet and on the hymn board at the front of church, and are usually announced by the Minister. If you would like guidance during the service, one of our congregation members will be happy to help, please just ask.

The service will begin with a hymn followed by a greeting.  The service proceeds during which there will be readings from the Bible, a presentation (sermon) by the Minister and some prayers.

During most services we observe “the Peace”.  This is a greeting when we offer each other, and those nearby, a sign of peace by shaking hands and saying "Peace be with you".  For many newcomers this can be a little uncomfortable but it is really a friendly gesture of goodwill and a way to meet new people.  During the third (Offertory) hymn, the collection basket is taken to the plate at the altar. If you wish to give, you can place your donation into the collection basket at the table at the entrance before the service begins. Alternatively you can donate electronically using the donation station or give online via our Generous Giving page where you can also find information on why giving is important.

Most Sundays we hold a Holy Communion service, and if you are a confirmed Christian you can receive the sacrament of bread and wine, or you are welcome to come to the altar to receive a simple prayer of blessing in which case just bring your service book with you, or keep your hands down, to indicate your intentions to the those serving at the altar rail.  If you wish, you can simply remain in your seat. 

Once a month we hold an All Age Service and occasionally a Morning Prayer Service where communion is not celebrated. Please see the Services Page for details. 

Our communion services our normally just over an hour in length, and non-communion services a little shorter. 

The service closes with a hymn and final blessing after which the Minister, servers and choir will process out accompanied by music.  The Minister will normally then greet everyone at the door where you can introduce yourself if you wish.  Refreshments of tea, coffee, squash and biscuits are normally served from the kitchenette in the narthex.  Please stay and meet our lovely congregation. 


There is normally a selection of traditional hymns during our Communion service lead by our professional organist.  More modern songs are used during our All Age Worship Services where our small music group often play. You can find out more on our Music Page.

Our Church Leaders

Immanuel currently does not have a permanent vicar.  Our services each Sunday are led by Revd Sandra, our locally ordained Minister, as well as a number of visiting clergy.  When the Minister greets you at the door they will not always recognise that you are new to Immanuel but we hope you will introduce yourself and ask any questions that you may have.

Our Congregation

We are a friendly bunch and would like you to feel very welcomed.  Our average congregation numbers for the 10:00am service are around 40 people.  There is no formal dress code, come as you are.



Children are important to us, and we want them to feel at home here at Immanuel too.  It is quite alright for them to roam around during the service if they wish.  Our worship leaders and congregation are at ease with the sounds of young children.  There is a children’s corner at the back of church where younger children can go if they get restless. We don't currently have a Sunday School but are always happy to consider this if the number young members grow.


The church is fully accessible for wheel-chairs and push chairs from the front entrance, and wheel-chairs can be easily integrated into our seating arrangement.  We are happy to administer Communion at your seat if you prefer.  There is also a hearing loop, and we are dementia friendly. 

Can I get help to understand the Bible?

We offer various courses throughout the year.  Please look out for notices on the home page but if there’s nothing on offer please feel free to ask about anything specific you would like to know or discuss.  Our clergy will be happy to help.  

If you have any questions, please give us a call on 0121 430 7578 or email us at when we can explain the service and what to expect, or we can can arrange for someone to meet with you prior to your first visit. 
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