During most services we observe “the Peace”. This is a greeting when we offer each other, and those nearby, a sign of peace by shaking hands and saying "Peace be with you". For many newcomers this can be a little uncomfortable but it is really a friendly gesture of goodwill and a way to meet new people. During the third (Offertory) hymn, the collection basket is taken to the plate at the altar. If you wish to give, you can place your donation into the collection basket at the table at the entrance before the service begins. Alternatively you can donate electronically using the donation station.
Most Sundays we hold an Holy Communion service, and if you are a confirmed Christian you can receive the sacrament of bread and wine, or you are welcome to come to the altar to receive a simple prayer of blessing in which case just bring your service book with you, or keep your hands down, to indicate your intentions to the those serving at the altar rail. If you wish, you can simply remain in your seat.
Once a month we hold an All Age Service and occasionally a Morning Prayer Service where communion is not celebrated. Please see the Services Page for details.
Our communion services our normally just over an hour in length, and non-communion services a little shorter.
The service closes with a hymn and final blessing after which the Minister, servers and choir will process out accompanied by music. The Minister will normally then greet everyone at the door where you can introduce yourself if you wish. Refreshments of tea, coffee, squash and biscuits are normally served in the church hall where you can meet our lovely congregation in a more relaxed atmosphere.