Generous Giving

Donating to Immanuel

If you would like to donate to Immanuel Highters Heath please use our GiveaLittle Account by scanning or clicking the QR Code.

Generous Giving

Generosity is at the heart of our faith, after all, we believe in a generous God. Therefore, our generosity is a testament and a hallmark of our faith in action. Giving generously is a call to action as part of our journey of discipleship. It’s not a membership fee but a proportional, sacrificial gift that contributes to the service of God and others— in love.

The mission and ministry of Immanuel Church relies on the incredible generosity of our congregation and wider community. Without your generous gifts of money, time and skills, Immanuel Church wouldn’t be able to witness to the local area.

Right now times are hard, with the cost of living crisis putting a strain on many households. As in the covid pandemic, churches will continue to play a vital role in supporting the local community, offering fellowship, practical support and a space to meet with God in these challenging times. Immanuel Church will also feel the effect of inflation and rising energy costs, but gifts given in love, no matter how big or small, will help sustain our collective mission and ministry. God can do great things with what may seem the smallest gift, if given out of joy and faithfulness.

Here are some of the ways you can show your generosity to Immanuel Church through financial gifts.

Regular Giving

Regular giving is the core way of funding mission and ministry. It helps our church to budget and ensure we remain sustainable now and for future generations.

Envelope Scheme

Immanuel Church uses the envelope scheme where you can donate cash on a weekly basis.  Its an easy way to budget, and you can bring your envelopes in weekly, or if you miss a week or two, just bring them in next time you attend.  Immanuel can claim Gift Aid on cash donations.  If you would like to make donations in this way, please ask for details for personalised envelopes.  We also have generic envelopes for ad hoc donations with gift aid declaration.

Standing Order

To make a regular gift, you can set up payments to the church bank account, via a standing order from your own bank. Please ask for details.

If you are a UK tax payer and would like to Gift Aid your donation, please see the information provided under “Gift Aid” below.

One-off gifts

The simplest and easiest way to make a one-off donation electronically is online through our Give a Little Page.


You may want to make a donation when you visit church. So, as well as the traditional cash collection, you can give via a contactless payment device using your bank card or smartphone.

If you are a UK tax payer and would like to Gift Aid your donation, please see the information provided under “Gift Aid” below.


For many people, leaving a gift in their Will is a final opportunity to make a lasting gift to God. Leaving a gift in your Will to Immanuel Church is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support mission and ministry in this community. For more information on legacies visit the Church Legacy page of the Church of England website or ask to talk to someone in church.

Gift Aid

Gift Aid is an arrangement that allows charities (including churches) to reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer. This means every donation will be worth 25% more, at no extra cost to the giver. If you would like to support your church with Gift Aid, you simply need to complete a Gift Aid Declaration, please ask for a gift aid form in church. All your information is kept in the strictest confidence as per GDPR laws.


Thank You!

Your generous gifts of money, time and talents are hugely important. Thank you for making the mission and ministry of your church possible. It’s thanks to your generosity that we can keep our church open for future generations, supporting your spiritual well being, and being available for weddings, baptisms and funerals.

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