Messy Church

Messy Church at 

Immanuel Highters Heath 

is usually run 3 or 4 times a year

Look out for our Messy Church Dates

Messy Church is fun for all of the family with

Craft Activities

Bible Stories

Good Company

Tea and Snacks

Messy Pancakes 4th March, 4pm

On Shrove Tuesday, Tuesday 4th March,  church will be open for children’s activities from 4pm to 6pm.

Activities will include decorating pancakes, decorating jars for Lent activities and making pretzel prayers.

As with other Messy Church sessions, there will be a short act of worship followed by some food - pancakes with fruit toppings.

Messy Church is part of The Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF),

a Registered Charity.

See also

Messy Church enables people of all ages to belong to Christ

together through their local church. It is a way of being church

which is particularly suited to families, but welcoming to all.

It meets at a time and on a day that suits local families and is

particularly aimed at people who have never belonged to a

church before.

Look out for our Next Messy Church

Please download our Messy Church Poster for 2025 here.

Messy Pancakes - Tuesday 4th March 4 - 6pm

Mother's Day and Easter - Saturday 29th March 2 - 4pm

Light Party - Friday 31st October 4:30 - 6:00pm

Messy Christmas - Saturday 13th December 2 - 4pm

Come and get Messy with craft, stories, and tea for all the family.  Children, please bring an adult.

Craft Activities
Messy Church June 2016 Celebrating the Queens Official 90th Birthday

Messy Christmas Church

Bible Stories 
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