Whilst face coverings are no longer required by law in any setting, public health guidance will remain in place. This suggests individuals should continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces where they may come into contact with people they do not normally meet. Our own church guidelines therefore remain unchanged for now.

  1. Where possible, please continue to wear a mask while in church, except when eating or drinking, or when leading from the front.
  2. Please allow space when you talk to others or move around the church, and if you feel more comfortable with an empty seat next to you then there are cards available to put on the seat.
  3. If you are able, do lateral flow tests  if you feel unwell and before you come to church.
  4. If you have a positive test within 48 hours of being in church, please let us know.
  5. If you have a cold or do not feel well - PLEASE DO NOT COME TO CHURCH

Guidance update for Holy Communion

The National CofE have updated their guidance on the administration of Holy Communion on 3 May 2022: Holy Communion should now be offered in both kinds to communicants.

The Worship Committee met on Wednesday afternoon and agreed that from Sunday 29th May, Holy Communion will be offered in both kinds.

Hands freshly cleaned with sanitising gel, the priest will dip the wafer into the wine for each communicant, as a first careful and tentative step towards eventually sharing the common cup. However if you would prefer to continue receiving just bread please indicate this to the priest as you approach her.

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